Here I am again up at 4:15. Going to get worse when we go to California today and gain an hour 3:30 tomorrow? I really hope not. I really have a hard time with these time changes.
We didn't do anything fun today.
We have had a problem with stink bugs for a long time in this camper and when I was getting out of the shower and there was one on my leg I decided there was going to being a war on stink bugs. I can't believe I didn't wake Bill up when I screamed. I hate them.
So I ripped everything apart. Went through all the clothes,shook them out, checked all the blankets and pillows, nothing.  We have no idea where they are coming from. I figured they had to be nesing in some clothes that we don't wear very often.I hate them.  So we had a massive leaning day. Swept and vacuummed and mopped. Got all that done before noon. I hate them!!!! Of course I killed a couple more through out the day. Did I mention that I hate them. LOL
It was a beautiful day. In the 70s. So we sat outside most of the afternoon.
After a little nap of course.
The clubhouse was having a Tamale dinner at 4 that we sign up for so the four of us headed down there for dinner. It was a little unorganized sine it was their first time doing a Tamale Dinner, But we finally got our Dinner around 4:45. Great ladies that make all the food for their dinners. THe tamales were ok.  Came with rice and beans.
 Back to the camper for the evening. No mexican train tonight. Larry wants to watch his shows. Me too. Get nice and comfy to watch NCIS and whats on Superbowl Commercials crap. Very dissapointed. Finally get good TV and shows are repeats or not on at all, Damn
That was our relaxing day.
Moving to California today. Can't wait. That was my goal this year.
Have a great day.


  1. Enjoy the drive through California, past the Imperial dunes over the mountains to the coast. Old Town Sandiego is interesting , and is the San Diego Zoo, The coast lines are beautiful and Venice Beach by LA is fun and interesting , the board walk, Muscle Bean and the hippies.
    Enjoy Southern Cal, but the traffic , oh my ,


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