Change of plans,chilly rainy day

Well we planned on going to Tombstone but again the weather didn't cooperate. Chilly with a threat of rain and again I was super tired. Took an early nap hoping the weather woild be better when I got up. didn't happen it got worse. So off to fill the propane tank at Tractor Supply to find out they don't fill them. Have to go to the Benson propane but its sunday. Oh well it can wait til tomorrow. Stopped at the safeway for eggs and milk. Well they had beef rsts. B1G2 free so of course we had to buy them seeing as we didn't know what we were doing for dinner. came home to try the rottiserie in the air fryer but I didn't get the piece for the spit. Not happy.. but we decided to just put it on the rack and it cooked up in about 1/2 hr. and it was great. Mashed potatoes veggies and a salad yummmy. I love my air fryer oven. Pillbury biscuits done in about 5 minutes.
After dinner took a walk put the garbage in the dumpster and decided to check out the pool and clubhouse. Nice pool just wish it was nice enough for a swim. There was a puzzle started in the clubhouse so I decided to sit there for a bit. Got some pieces in and figured Bill would be wondering what happened to me. And of course he was when I got back.
Just relaxed for the rest of the night til Walking Dead came on. Had to watch it in the bedrom cause Bill doen't like it. Well needless to say I didn't stay awake for the whole thing. Oh well.
That was our boring day
Have a great day


  1. Benson is a higher elevation and the weather not as nice as here. But sounds like a pretty decent day to me. The pool there is really as is the hot tub. A good day to enjoy some reading.


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