Short cloudy drive

Stayed in Picacho Peak til about 10 am Chatted with Steve for a little while then headed out. Didn't need to leave early it was a liitle over an hr drive to Valley Vista in Benson Arizona. Got there about 11:30 got a nice 50 amp spot so we can use all the electric we want without me blowing the circuit breaker. I do that often when I turn on the coffee and both heaters are going. Oh well easily talen care of.
Relaxed for a bit and for some reason I was super tired so I layed down for a bit. I hate when I'm that tired.
Had my afternoon coffee then off to Walmart of course. Need to stock up Billy Anna and the boys are meeting us in Texas for a week. I'm so excited. Have to have Kids stuff in the camper.
Then went to the Texaco station by the campground which has a nice deli and got some fried chicken for dinner. Its very good. French fries and coleslaw to go with it.
After dinner went ot the clubhouse fr free wifi to figure out our route to Texas. Got that all set. made my reservations and back to the camper. Doesn't Billy call and say they are coming a day early. Now I have to try and change things hope I can.
The place in texas is about an hr and half from my niece Laura so hoping to spend some time with her. Its going to be a fun week.
Just in case you are wondering I still have Stink bugs. Fortunetely I saw the one in my underwear before I got dressed LOL really not funny I hate the damn things and wish I where they were.
Have a great day


  1. Replies
    1. Ok there is your posting, We stayed at Valley vista many rimes over the years loved it there and the amazing broasted Chicken from the Texaco station .


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