Well another rainy day in southern California..Not a good time to visit this year. Maybe try again next year.
Can't do much in the rain so we decided to go to the Casino. I chose the closest one to us, Pechanga resort and Casino. Got there about noon decided to meet at he door at 2:00. This place was big. played ok won $5 over all. Bill and I met at the door and waited for Larry and Diane. To make a long story short they were lost. After a few phone calls they said they were at the food court so I set out to find them.  Big mistake.. made my way to the food court that was in a whole new gaming section I didn't see. They weren't there. Shocker....Called Larry again they were at the promotions booth. After aking a few employees we finally found each other. Went a whole different way back to Bill, another section I din't see. I thought I walked through the whole place. I guess not.  Finally left there about 2:30. More rain on the way home.
Didn't really stop raining all day. We are on our own little Island here. have to put boards down to even get in and out the door. Guess what..Rain again tomorrow.
Decided to take my radio apart to try and fix the surround sound.  Figured it was just a lose wire. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Well there are a lot of wires. so put a new HDMI cable in hoping that was it. Nope. put it back together and hope it works again sometime.
Larry and Diane came over after supper and another night of Mexican Train. What else is there to do in the rain.
Watched Bull and went to bed
Sorry nothing exciting to write about but thought you;d like my rainy report.
Have a great day


  1. Sometimes the weather changes you plans , but the different casinos are always fun to explore. No rain here just very cloudy and windy.


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